WebTrit WebRTC phone Upgrades
The WebTrit WebRTC phone’s latest updates feature seamless call transfer, an enhanced user interface, and improved connection stability for smoother communications. This update also accelerates the app publishing process on Apple and Google platforms. Learn more about how these advancements can elevate your communication efficiency.

WebTrit has recently unveiled a set of powerful updates aimed at improving the communication and workflow capabilities of the WebTrit WebRTC phone. These enhancements include a new call transfer feature and significant upgrades to connection stability and the user interface.

New WebRTC phone features

Seamless Call Transfer: Central to the update is the call transfer feature, a much-anticipated addition that allows users to seamlessly redirect calls within the app with just a few taps. This feature is particularly beneficial for professionals who need to connect calls to more colleagues swiftly and efficiently. 

Enhanced User Interface: Recognising the need for easier management of communications, WebTrit has overhauled the phone interface. The new design simplifies the management of multiple lines and active calls, enhancing user experience significantly. 

Connection Stability: With the latest improvements, users will enjoy more reliable connectivity, particularly when switching between wifi and mobile data. This upgrade ensures that communication remains uninterrupted, which is crucial in today’s mobile-first world. 

Streamlined Publishing Process: WebTrit WebRTC phone’s update also includes a faster and smoother process for app publication. By optimizing the backend process, the time to release new applications on Apple and Google platforms has been significantly reduced, avoiding the delays often associated with app updates. 

Stay Updated

For a closer look at the new features and improvements, check out our latest video demonstration on the WebTrit YouTube Channel

If you’re interested in learning more or you have ideas for a future update to WebTrit WebRTC phone, contact us at: contact@webtrit.com.

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